This page allows you to process your payment using your credit card.
Your options include visa, Mastercard, Amex & discovery, apple pay, google pay.
Please note: The payment includes a 3% administrative fee and AB5% sales tax, already added to your workshop fee
Scroll down to locate the workshop you want to purchase. The "Buy NOW" button will link you to a secure payment page.
If you have a question about payment, please contact me.
Your options include visa, Mastercard, Amex & discovery, apple pay, google pay.
Please note: The payment includes a 3% administrative fee and AB5% sales tax, already added to your workshop fee
Scroll down to locate the workshop you want to purchase. The "Buy NOW" button will link you to a secure payment page.
If you have a question about payment, please contact me.
MyoSkeletal Reflexology Certification Modules
Applied Reflexology for the Massage Therapist.