Hi, Holly, Carly, Yuko, Jenna, Christina, Vicki
and in front, Emyrose, Laura & Janelle
I enjoyed sharing Reflexology with you and I hope you found it useful and applicable to your practice.
This webpage is for revising the sequences you learned at the Applied Reflexology for Massage Therapy workshop.
Please send me any comments or questions below or send me an email.
and in front, Emyrose, Laura & Janelle
I enjoyed sharing Reflexology with you and I hope you found it useful and applicable to your practice.
This webpage is for revising the sequences you learned at the Applied Reflexology for Massage Therapy workshop.
Please send me any comments or questions below or send me an email.
Lymphatic sequence
Note: In this video, there is a reference to other videos. These are technical videos for my certification students and doesn't affect this sequence.
I did however include the "sun ray" technique below.
I did however include the "sun ray" technique below.
Sunray Technique
The Muscle Helper sequence
The muscle helper video shows both prone and supine positions. Please note, that you would do the sequence slower, and spend a more time on the spine reflex. The aim was just to revise the sequence. This is a base sequence to which you would add other reflexes such as a muscle reflex (laminated sheet) or an organ reflex related to an imbalanced muscle(page 24-27).